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About Us

Minimalist Elegance, Futuristic Innovation.

Welcome to trnkts3D, where minimalist elegance meets futuristic innovation, guided by the transformative power of advanced design techniques and digital fabrication.At trnkts3D, we believe in the beauty of simplicity, intricately intertwined with sophistication. Our designs embody clean lines, refined forms, and understated elegance, meticulously crafted through advanced parametric design techniques and realised with cutting-edge digital fabrication.


Inspired by the boundless potential of the future, trnkts3D boldly charts new territories in design innovation and technological prowess. With a steadfast focus on pushing the limits of imagination, our products stand as testaments to the evolution of creativity and forward-thinking design.Rooted in the essence of simplicity, our designs are engineered to elevate everyday experiences with joy and delight. Each product seamlessly integrates into daily life, enhancing functionality while evoking moments of pure happiness.


Our products possess an enduring allure that transcends fleeting trends, beckoning users to embark on endless exploration and discovery.Grounded in an innovative vision driven by digital fabrication, our products inspire curiosity, spark creativity, and ignite the imagination with boundless possibilities.Through the harmonious fusion of innovative materials, finishes & advanced manufacturing techniques, and fearless experimentation, trnkts3D redefines the essence of design expression. With precision and versatility, we sculpt products that captivate the senses, inspire awe, and beckon users to embrace a world where minimalist elegance and futuristic innovation converge seamlessly.


Join us at trnkts3D and embark on a journey where every creation invites you to explore, create, and dream without limits.

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trnkts3D emphasises parametric design, leveraging algorithms to create complex geometric forms. This allows for detailed control over shapes, enabling innovative, organic structures that are both functional and artistic.

Parametric Precision

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As the founder and lead designer of trnkts3D, I am deeply committed to pioneering innovative experiences that push the boundaries of conventional design. My work is a fusion of minimalism and futurism, where each piece is crafted not just to captivate the eye, but to evoke deep emotional responses. At trnkts3D, we believe that design should transcend mere functionality; it should tell a story, transport the viewer, and inspire a profound connection.


My journey as a designer has always been about more than just creating object —it’s about crafting immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. Through trnkts3D, I strive to create designs that are visually arresting while also carrying a narrative that resonates with those who encounter them. Each piece is a testament to the belief that design can and should be an experience that is felt, not just seen.


In my career, I’ve had the privilege of serving as a design consultant, working alongside both startups and established companies to bring their visions to life. From the initial spark of an idea to the development of production-ready prototypes, I’ve been deeply involved in every stage of the design process. This hands-on approach has allowed me to transform abstract concepts into tangible realities, and it’s a methodology that I’ve brought with me into trnkts3D. Collaboration is at the heart of our process, and I value the diversity of thought and expertise that enriches our journey, leading to designs that are truly groundbreaking.

- K.S. Gandhi.
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